Tuesday, September 6, 2011

5-7-5 is Worth A Million Sentiments....

 The Thinker

cerebral chaser
swallow me in your abyss
surrendered, I weep

Sena's Haiku:

Eyes Climbing the Skies
Empress, She stands tall, unscathed
Marvel at her feet...
 The Chef 
She concocts her love
Naked she lays, baring soul deep
On a plate--Feed Me!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bearers of Good Will

"The pendulum of the mind swings between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong."
             -Carl Jung

In the last couple of days, had I deposited a nickel in some jar every time I heard someone talk about "right and wrong" or "good and bad" in the context of Osama Bin Laden's death and capture, I would very well be on my way to owning that Lamborghini I have been wanting! I am terrified by the callousness and insensitivity that is driving the celebration of the loss of a man's life--Osama or not!

I was inspired to capture this in the blog because it doesn't even appear that people are celebrating for the right reasons, if such a thing exists in this realm. Folks are running around in the streets not because of the potential and opportunity for peace and unification that this instance has provided, but because a "bad" man is dead. I cringe at the thought because as I watch American news anchors describe the terror that Osama instilled and the lifelessness he left in his path, I think about the turmoil, pain, violence, and havoc we leave in our paths everyday, especially as a nation masquerading as bearers of good will in places like Libya, Yemen, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, to name a few. We have very short attention spans and soon forget that America and Americans are often perceived as evil tyrants in many nations across the globe-we are the "BAD" man.

So as I watch people celebrate death and killings, and hear young children barely old enough to spell their names correctly, chant in laughter and glee because another man's life is lost, I writhe in my own skin and fear that we are fostering hatred--mini tyrants who may one day, shun difference or become intolerant pushers of bigotry and prejudice. We celebrate in the name of good/bad and right/wrong, and yet, disregard the fact that these dualities are often entirely based on perception and the lenses through which we observe the world--they are on opposite ends of the same spectrum. What makes sense to one may be nonsense to another, and yet, to call one thing right and the other wrong, may be arbitrary and rooted in some kind of false sense of being.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

W .edge. D





                                                        Enduring  Patiently

                                                       Stand Still--Removed from You
                                                                                       Exit Wound



                                                          Peeling the Layers


  Hopeful and Fearing

                                                   Breathing Mine Own Breaths

The Art of Love-Making

I grew up learning that Love is Patient, and Love is Kind; My Mother molded this notion into me-into different states of consciousness-I watched the practice of love unfold, manifest, and come into being within the spheres I took up space-my Sunday School teacher even repeated this intuitive, practical stance-yet in some moments, it seemed so foreign; still does!

While I have come to embody the imperfect art of love-making-of love creation in my heart, the piece that I sometimes am challenged by-the piece with which most of us struggle-is the notion and fact that Love does not insist on its own way; this point, my Sunday School teacher did not do such a great job embedding into my being-not because I do not buy into this concept, but because when I am busy compromising, who else is meeting me half way? And when does the art of compromise become an impediment in one's own world-a deleterious gene that mutates our circumstances-that morphs our selves--that shakes our understandings of who we are at the core?

Butterfly Love Creation; HD Wallpapers
While I am busy Making Love in My Heart--and NOT insisting on having my own way, am I gradually compromising my own integrity and values--to ensure that Love is Patient, and Love is Kind for those who are on the receiving end of this Gift? While I am diligently becoming a Master of this timeless, Love-Art Form, who is ensuring that my experience of Love is Patient and Kind?

Friday, April 29, 2011


Collections from Hillcrest Chapel
Own this day, for it is yours. The universe is designed to cradle every step, to hold it perfectly, a harmonious fit, a lock and key. Unhinge the blockades that impede illumination through the flow of breath; Go within, and channel the sun's light and warmth, for the energy that rejuvenates the surface, is the same energy that replenishes strength, faith, hope--pure, perfect confidence.

Live into this day, and let thyself reflect the perfection in the universe. Accept flaws and know that for now, they mark your place in the carefully woven tapestry of metaphysical existence.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If Water Had a Daughter...

Image from Nature Harmony
If water had a daughter, would she flow through the cracks of a broken heart and seal open wounds with her pristine sealants? Would she wash away the salty tears that dry up on the visage--bringing life to one's spirit and carefully replenishing tear ducts like oases in the dearth of desert sand storms?

If water had a daughter, would she saturate every lysed cell with vitality, and seep through vessels, as oxygen diffuses through space in search of breaths to be inhaled--would she drown our beings in love and security, and resurface on the epidermis as beads of nourishment permeating into existence, the way the dew drops appear on springy blades of grass in search of new heights?

I do not know if water has a daughter, for I have not encountered her, and yet, I know that if water had a daughter, she would grow with me--I would wade inside of her and she would carry me without any judgments--no preconceived notions--and she would hold my hand with a certainty that dissipates all doubt--the mindless chatter that is self-doubt. I do not know water's daughter, but if water had a daughter, she would befriend me, from foam to wave. I would surf her peaks as she led me to her own mother at the ends of the earth--we would reach new horizons where her mother's belly meets the blissful tranquility of the sky, and we would reach new destinies.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Home Is Where the Heart Is

"My home is the home of peace. My home is the home of joy and delight. My home is the home of laughter and exaltation. Whoever enters through the portals of this home, must go out with gladsome heart. This is the home of light; whoever enters here must become illumined"- Baha'i Writings
 A life of consequence in my life, Sonya, posted the aforementioned quotation on her Facebook wall, and it completely encapsulated all that I had been feeling around the home, the notion of a haven-a safe dwelling that shelters my own templed being. 
When anxiety, question, resistance, and tension exist in the home, it is challenging to come to peace anywhere else in the world. To be able to rest one's head in a place of complete serenity is a true gift, and if turmoil exists anywhere else in one's life, they must work to disengage that discord before entering the walls of the home. The home is a place love, of comfort, of complete acceptance, and of spiritual healing. In this place occurs rejuvenation and illumination--the energy in the home may completely alter the flow of energy in one's body, syncopating with heartbeats, desires, and thoughts, grounding us into the earth and into our selves.
Layout Sparks: Jade Drago Serenity Glow

Let the energy in your home be the light that shines bright, that guides you through your days--let the energy in your home be that of complete calm and tranquility so it may transform your relationships with those who exist outside of you...